


序号 论文题目 作者 期刊名称 年、卷、期、页 DOI
1 Subcritical crack growth behavior of Al2O3-glass dental composites Q. Zhu, G. de With, L.J.M.G. Dortmans and F. Feenstra, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Applied Biomaterials 65B(2):233-238 10.1002/jbm.b.10007
2 ASR Potentials of Glass Aggregates in Water-Glass Activated Fly Ash and Portland Cement Mortars Xie, Z.H., Wen, X., and Xi, Y Journal of Materials in civil Engineering 15(1):67-74 10.1061/(ASCE)0899-1561(2003)15:1(67)
3 Shape change of prism solids in different liquid systems during local corrosion Wen Lai Huang, Zhangfu Yuan Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 1(267):155-159 10.1016/S0021-9797(03)00605-2
4 Hydrodynamic Modeling of the L-valve Hua Tong,Hongzhong Li,Xusong Lu, Powder Technology 129(1-3):8-14 10.1016/S0032-5910(02)00273-5
5 Particulatization of Gas-solids Fluidization Hongzhong Li,Xusong Lu , Mooson Kwauk Powder Technology 137(1-2):54-62 10.1016/j.powtec.2003.08.030
6 The Design and Development of a Project-Oriented Information System Zhao, Y-H, Liu, C, Wen, H, Zhang, H-Z and Xu, Z-H Data Science Journal 2(1):59  
7 Molecular Mechanics and Dynamics Simulation of Various Dispersant Models on the Water Surface (001). Wei, K-C, Zhou, H, Wen, H, Xu, W and Xu, Z-H Journal of Molecular Modeling 9(3):142 10.1007/s00894-003-0120-6
8 Exploring Complex Systems in Chemical Engineering---the multi-scale Methodology Jinghai Li and Mooson Kwauk Chemical Engineering Scienc 58(3-6):521-535 10.1016/S0009-2509(02)00577-8
9 Macro-scale Phenomena Reproduced in Microscopic Systems-Pseudo-Particle Modeling of Fluidization Wei Ge and Jinghai Li Chemical Engineering Scienc 58(8):1565-1585 10.1016/S0009-2509(02)00673-5
10 Bioenergie in China Mirko Barz and Jinghai Li Fuel Heat Power(BWK) 55(6):58-62  
11 Effect of dynamic change of flow structure on mass transfer between gas and particles Linna Wang, Dongjie Jin and Jinghai Li Chemical Engineering Science 58(23-24):5373-5377 10.1016/j.ces.2003.09.002
12 CFD simulation of concurrent-up gas-solid flow in circulating fluidized beds with structure-dependent drag coefficient Ning Yang, Wei Wang, Wei Ge , Jinghai Li Chemical Engineering Journal 96:71-80 10.1016/j.cej.2003.08.006
13 Preface Jinghai Li, Mooson Kwauk Powder Technology 1-2(137):1 10.1016/j.powtec.2003.08.001
14 Emerging particle science and technology in China Mooson Kwauk Powder Technology 137(1-2):2-28 10.1016/j.powertec.2003.08.026
15 Simulation of particle-fluid systems with macro-scale pseudo-particle modeling Wei Ge, Jinghai Li Powder Technology 137(1-2):99-108 10.1016/j.powtech.2003.08.034
16 Necessary parameters for specifying the hydrodynamics of circulating fluidized bed risers-a review and reiteration Guangwen Xu, Shiqiu Gao Powder Technology 137(1-2):63-76 10.1016/j.powtec.2003.08.031
17 Grain-boundary effect in zirconia stabilized with yttria and calcia by electrical measurements Ying Li , Mingshuai Liu, Jianghong Gong , Yunfa Chen , Zilong Tang and Zhongtai Zhang Materials Science and Engineering, B 103(2):108-114 10.1016/S0921-5107(03)00162-4