


序号 论文题目 作者 期刊名称 年、卷、期、页 DOI
1 EDITORIAL---Scale and Structure in Chemical Engineering Mooson Kwauk and Jinghai Li Trans IChemE  80(A7):699-700  
2 Physical mapping of fluidization regimes---the EMMS approach Wei Ge and Jinghai Li Chemical Engineering Science 57(18):3993-4004 10.1016/S0009-2509(02)00234-8
3 Flow Behavior of Z-path Fluidized-Moving Bed with Inclined Porous Plates Guo Zhancheng, Tokuda Masanori Journal of Iron and Steel Research 9(1):19-24  
4 Analysis of Non-linear Arrhenius Behavior of Ionic Conduction in Cubic Zirconia Stabilized with Yttria and Calcia Y. Li, J.H. Gong, Y.S. Xie, Y. F. Chen Journal of Materials Science Letters 21:157-159 10.1023/A:1014253400747
5 Analysis of the Ionic Conduction in Y2O3-Stabilized ZrO2 at Low Temperatures by Impedance Spectroscopy Y. Li, J. H. Gong, Y.F. Chen, Y.S. Xie Key Engineering Materials 224-226:163-168  
6 Pressureless Sintering of Nickel-Alumina Composite Ceramics L.Zang, Y.F. Chen, Y.S. Xie Key Engineering Materials 224-226:321-324  
7 Grain-Size Dependence of the Grain-Boundary Conductivity of Zirconia Stabilized with Y2O3 and CaO Y. Li, J.H. Gong, Y. S. Xie, Z.L. Tang, Y. F. Chen and Z.T. Zhang Key Engineering Materials 224-226:169-172  
8 Preparation of Porous Hydroxyapatite Ceramics by a Stereo-mold Method C.X. Ruan, Y. F. Chen and Y.S. Xie Key Engineering Materials 224-226:441-444  
9 Preparation and Photocatalysis Properties of Silica-Coated Zinc Oxide Composite Powder H. Wang, Y.F. Chen, H. Nakamura, K. Yao, S. Nishimura, E. Abe Chemistry Letters 630-31 10.1246/cl.2002.630
10 Low-temperature ionic conductivity of the solid solution in the system ZrO2-Y2O3-Yb2O3 Y. Li, J.H. Gong, Y.S. Xie, Z.L. Tang, Z.T. Zhang Materials Science and Engineering B 90(3):287-290 10.1016/S0921-5107(01)01070-4
11 Temperature- dependence of the lattice conductivity of mixed calcia/yttria stabilized zirconia J.H. Gong, Y. Li, Z.L. Tang, Y.S. Xie and Z.T. Zhang Materials Chemistry and Physics 76(2):212-216 10.1016/S0254-0584(01)00522-3
12 Surface tension and its temperature coefficient of molten silicon at different oxygen potentials Zhang Fu Yuan, Kusuhiro Mukai, Wen Lai Huang. Langmuir, 18(6):2054-2062 10.1021/la0112920
13 Effects of antimony on the surface tension of molten silicon Zhang Fu Yuan, Kusuhiro Mukai, Wen Lai Huang Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 249:471-475 10.1006/jcis.2002.8270
14 Local corrosion of magnesia-chrome refractories driven by Marangoni convection at the slag-metal interface Zhang Fu Yuan, Wen Lai Huang, Kusuhiro Mukai Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 253:211-216 10.1006/jcis.2002.8504
15 Surface tension and its temperature coefficient of molten tin determined with the sessile drop method in different oxygen partial pressure Zhang Fu Yuan, Kusuhiro Mukai, Katsuhiko Takagi, Masahiko Ohtaka, Wen Lai Huang, Qiu Sheng Liu. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 254:338-345 10.1006/jcis.2002.8589
16 Influence of drying procedure on the mesoporosity and surface fractal dimensions of silica xerogels prepared with different agitation methods Wen Lai Huang, Shi Hua Cui, Kai Ming Liang, Shou Ren Gu, Zhang Fu Yuan. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 246:129-134 10.1006/jcis.2001.8048
17 Pore structure and fractal characteristics of activated carbon fibers characterized by using HRTEM Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang, Wen Lai Huang, Jun-Bing Yang, Kai-Ming Liang, Meng-Long Cui, Zhiying Cheng Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 249:453-457 10.1006/jcis.2002.8274
18 Carburization and desulphuration of the semi-steel during plasma heating Zhang Fu Yuan, Jia Cong Zhou, Dai Hua Liao, Wen Lai Huang, Kusuhiro Mukai. Steel Research 73(5):175-179  
19 Reduction and direct alloying of calcium vanadate Zhang Fu Yuan, Wen Lai Huang, Sheng You Zhu, Dai Hua Liao, Hong Fei Hu Steel Research 73(10):428-432  
20 Evolution of pore surface characteristics of silica xerogels during calcining Wen Lai Huang, Shi Hua Cui, Kai Ming Liang, Zhang Fu Yuan, Shou Ren Gu Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 63:645-650 10.1016/S0022-3697(01)00207-4
21 Multifractal characteristics of silica xerogels gelated in various evaporation conditions Wen Lai Huang, Shi Hua Cui, Zhang Fu Yuan, Kai Ming Liang Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 312(1-2):70-78. 10.1016/S0378-4371(02)00848-8