


序号 论文题目 作者 期刊名称 页码 DOI
1 A novel Open-framework Cerium Sulfate Hydrate: Synthesis and Characterization Ranbo Yu, Dan Wang, Yunfa Chen, Xianran Xing, Shintaro Ishivata, Takashi Saito, Mikio Takano Chemistry Letters 9 33 1186-1187 10.1246/cl.2004.1186
2 A Novel Open-framework Cerium Sulfate Hydrate: Synthesis and Characterization Ranbo Yu, Dan Wang, Yunfa Chen, Xianran Xing, Shintaro Ishiwata, Takashi Saito, Mikio Takano Chemistry Letters 9 33 1186-1187 10.1246/cl.2004.1186
3 Application of the Discrete Approach to the Simulation of Size Segregation in Granular Chute Flow Jiayuan Zhang, Ziguo Hu, Wei Ge, Yongjie Zhang, Tinghua Li, and Jinghai Li Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 18 43 5521-5528 10.1021/ie034254f
4 Characterization of a high-density downer reactor Hengzhi Chen, Hongzhong Li, Powder Technology 1 - 2 146 84-92 10.1016/j.powtec.2004.07.008
5 Complex systems and multi-scale methodology Jinghai Li and Mooson Kwauk Chemical Engineering Science 8,9 59 1611-1612 10.1016/j.ces.2004.02.004
6 Compromise between dominant polymerization mechanisms in preparation of polymer microspheres Guanghui Ma, Jinghai Li Chemical Engineering Science 8,9 59 1711-1721 10.1016/j.ces.2004.01.027
7 Effect of boron on the surface tension and its temperature coefficient of molten silicon Z. Yuan, K. Mukai Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 1 270 140-145 10.1016/S0021-9797(03)00262-5
8 Effect of CaF2 on the electrical properties of yttria-stabilized zirconia Fang Zhao, Ying Li, Jianghong Gong, Mingshuai Liu and Yunfa Chen Matericals Letters 3~4 58 394-396 10.1016/S0167-577X(03)00509-3
9 Effect of Fluid Viscosity on Liquid-Solid Fluidization Ou Qiu, Hongzhong Li,and Hua Tong Industrial & engineering chemistry research 15 43 4434-4437 10.1021/ie034207n
10 Estimating radial voidage profiles for all fluidization regimes in circulating fluidized bed risers Guangwen Xu, Guogang Sun, Shiqiu Gao Powder Technology   139 186-192 10.1016/j.powtec.2003.10.014
11 Estimation of Desulfurization Abilities of Metallurgical Dust at Different Atmospheres ZHAO Rongfang, YE Shufeng, XIE Yusheng , CHEN Yunfa Energy Sources 26 2 135-144 10.1080/00908310490258515
12 Fast Pyrolysis of Microalgae to Produce Renewable Fuels Xiaoling Miao, Qingyu Wu, Changyan Yang J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis   71 855-863 10.1016/j.jaap.2003.11.004
13 In Situ Ligand Synthesis for a Novel 1-D Mn Coordination Polymer Ding Weng, Yude Wang, Ranbo Yu, Ruji Wang, Dan Wang, Qiang Cai, Hengde Li, ad Youwei Yao Chemistry Letters 12 33 1586-1587 10.1246/cl.2004.1586
14 Modeling of the hydrodynamics of the fully developed region in a downer reactor Songgen Li, Weigang Lin and Jianzhong Yao Powder Technology   145 73-81 10.1016/j.powtec.2004.04.040
15 Morphology and Magnetic Properties of Electrodeposited Iron and Nickel Based Alloy Foils Guo Zhancheng , Liu Meifeng, Sun Chunwen Liu Yuxing Lu Weichang J. Iron & Steel Res. 6 11 45-51  
16 Multi- scale methodology for complex systems Jinghai Li, Jiayuan Zhang, Wei Ge, Xinhau Liu Chemical Engineering Science 8,9 59 1687-1700 10.1016/j.ces.2004.01.025
17 Multiscale Analysis and Modeling of Multiphase Chemical Reactors Hsiaotao T. Bi and Jinghai Li APT2003 Special Issue 6 15   10.1163/1568552042456223
18 Multi-Scale Characteristics of Chaos Behavior in Gas-Liquid Bubble Columns Mingyan Liu, Zhongding Hu, Jinghai Li Chemical Engineering Communications 8 191 1003 – 1016 10.1080/00986440490276218
19 Multi-Scale Fluidization of Ultrafine Powders in a Fast-Bed-Riser/Conical-Dipleg CFB Loop Hongzhong Li, Hua Tong Chemical Engineering Science 8-9 59 1897-1904 10.1016/j.ces.2004.01.041
20 Nanocomposites of cross-linking polyanhydrides and hydroxyapatite needles: mechanical and degradable properties LI Haoying, CHEN Yunfa, XIE Yusheng Materials Letters 22-23 58 2819-2823 10.1016/j.matlet.2004.05.003
21 Organic solvent control of inorganic structure: a one-dimensional zirconium phosphate inorganic polymer Dan Wang, Tanbo Yu, Yunfa Chen, Zhancheng Guo, Nobuhiro Kumada, Nobukazu Kinomura and Mikio Takano Solid State Ionics 1~4 175 751-754 10.1016/j.ssi.2003.11.039
22 Photocatalysis property of needle-like TiO2 prepared from a novel titanium glycolate precursor Dan Wang, Tanbo Yu, Yunfa Chen, Nobuhiro Kumada, Nobukazu Kinomura and Mikio Takano Solid State Ionics 1~4 175 101-104 10.1016/j.ssi.2004.04.028
23 Production of zirconia from zircon using a plasma rotating furnace Z. Yuan, W. Li, J. Liu, M. Luo, J. Liu Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 3 33 189-192 10.1111/j.1600-0692.2004.00683.x
24 Self-Assembly of a Novel Manganiferous Coordination Polymer with Mixed Ligands Youwei Yao, Qiang Cai, Huizhong Kou, Hengde Li, Dan Wang,Ranbo Yu,Yunfa Chen, Xianran Xing Chemistry Letters 10 33 1270-1271 10.1246/cl.2004.1270
25 Simulation of Heterogeneous Structure in a Circulating Fluidized-Bed Riser by Combining the Two-Fluid Model with the EMMS Approach Ning Yang, Wei Wang, Wei Ge, Linna Wang, and Jinghai Li Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 18 43 5548-5561 10.1021/ie049773c
26 Simulation of size exclusion chromatography for characterization of supramolecular complex: a theoretical study X. Lou, Q. Zhu, Z. Lei, J. L.J. van Dongen and E.W. Meijer Journal of Chromatography A 1-2 1029 67-75 10.1016/j.chroma.2003.12.023
27 Surface tension of molten bismuth at different oxygen partial pressure with the sessile drop method Z. Yuan, J. Fan, J. Li, J. Ke, K. Mukai Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 6 33 338-346 10.1111/j.1600-0692.2004.00704.x
28 Synthesis and Characterization of the First Organically Templated Layered Cerium Phosphate Fluoride: [(CH2)2(NH3)2]0.5[CeIVF3(HPO4)] Chemistry Letters Ranbo Yu, Dan Wang*, Shintaro Ishiwata, Takashi Saito, Masaki Azuma, Mikio Takano, Yunfa Chen, and Jinghai Li Chemistry Letters 4 33 458-459 10.1246/cl.2004.458
29 The Acid Rain Issues and its Countermeasures in China XIE Yusheng, YE ShuFeng, KITAGAWA Kuniyuki, WANG Kaili Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 83 11 902-907  
30 The Developing Strategy and Research for Chinese Energy Resources XIE Yusheng, YE ShuFeng, KITAGAWA Kuniyuki, WANG Kaili Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 83 3 207-211  
31 Wastepaper Gasification with CO2 or Steam Using Catalysts of Molten Carbonates IWAKI Hiroyuki, YE Shufeng, KATAGIRI Haruo KITAGAWA Kuniyuki Applied Catalysis A: General   270 237-243 10.1016/j.apcata.2004.05.010
32 Wettability and reactivity of molten silicon with various substrates Z. Yuan, K. Mukai Applied Physics A, Materials Science & Processing 4 78 617-622 10.1007/s00339-002-2001-8