


序号 论文题目 所有作者 期刊名称 卷、期、页 DOI
1 A new process for synthesis gas by co-gasifying coal and natural gas X.P. Song , Z.C. Guo Fuel 84: 525-531 10.1016/j.fuel.2004.10.012
2 An investigation into electrochemical reduction of TiO2 pellet M.F. Liu , Z.C. Guo , W.C. Lu Transaction of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 114: C1-C8 10.1179/037195505x39076
3 A novel organically templated hybrid open-framework manganese phosphate-oxalate R.B. Yu , X.R. Xing , T. Saito , M. Azuma , M. Takano , D. Wang , Y.F. Chen , N. Kumada , N. Kinomura Solid State Sciences 7 (2): 221-226 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2004.10.033
4 Characterizing particle clustering behavior by PDPA measurement for dilute gas-solid flow X.H. Liu , S.Q. Gao , J.H. Li Chemical Engineering Journal 108: 193-202 10.1016/j.cej.2005.01.012
5 Collisional particle-phase pressure in particle-fluidflows at high particle inertoa December J.W. Wang , W. Ge Physics of Fluids 17: 128103 10.1063/1.2145757
6 Dependence of the solid flow rate on gas velocity at choking of different types G.W. Xu , S.Q. Gao Powder Technology 150: 185-188 10.1016/j.powtec.2004.12.004
7 Desulfurization of coke by recycling COG during coking process Z.C. Guo , H.Q. Tang , J.L. Liu Fuel 84: 893-901 10.1016/j.fuel.2004.11.020
8 Dictionary-Based Voting Text Categorization in a Chemistry-Focused Search Engine C.Y. Liang , L. Guo , Z.J. Xia , X.X. Li , Z.Y. Yang Lecture Notes in Computer Science 601-602  
9 Electroless copper coating on nickel foils in super-gravity field Y.P. Gong , Z.C. Guo , W.C. Lu Materials 59: 667-670 10.1016/j.matlet.2004.11.007
10 Evolution of particle size and strength of hydrargilite from carbonization in seeded sodium aluminate liquors Z. Wang , S.W. Bi , Y.H. Yang , Z.F. Yuan Journal of Crystal Growth 274 (1-2): 218-225 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2004.09.077
11 Experimental Study of Coal Gasification Coupling with Natural Gas Autothermal Re-forming for Synthesis Gas Production Z.B. Ouyang , Z.C. Guo , D.P. Duan , X.P. Song , X.P. Yu Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 44: 279-284 10.1021/ie049711m
12 Experimental Study of Coal Topping Process in a Downer Reactor J.G. Wang , X.S. Lu , J.Z. Yao , W.G. Lin , L.J. Cui Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 44(3): 463-470 10.1021/ie049404g
13 Experimental study of particle flow in a gas-solid separator with baffles using PDPA L. Du , J. Z. Yao , W. G. Lin Chemical Engineering Journal 108(1-2): 59-67 10.1016/j.cej.2004.12.043
14 Fabrication of b-Ni(OH)2 and NiO hollow spheres by a facile template-free process Y. Wang , Q. Zhu , H. Zhang Chem. Commum 5231- 5233 10.1039/b508807k
15 Fabrication of Silica Colloidal Crystal Multilayer with Controlled Thicknesses by Vertical Deposition Q.Y. L , W.M. Gao, Y.F. Chen , P. Dong , Z.H. Wu Key Engineering Materials 280-283: 1149-1152 Part 1-2  
16 Feasibility of manufacturing phosphoric acid by smelting reduction technology Z.C. Guo , X.P. Song , D.G. Wang , Z.H. Xu Transaction of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 114: C1-C10 10.1179/037195505x28456
17 Ferric ions doped 5A molecular sieves for the oxidation of HCHO with low concentration in the air at moderate temperatures X.Z. Yang , Y.N. Shen , Z.F. Yuan , H.Y. Zhu Journal of molecular catalysis 237: 224-231 10.1016/j.molcata.2005.04.059
18 Flow structures in the downer circulating fluidized bed X.S. Lu , S.G. Li , L. Du , J.Z. Yao , W.G. Lin , H.Z. Li Chemical Engineering Journal 112(1-3): 23-31 10.1016/j.cej.2005.06.002
19 From Homogeneous Dispersion to Micelles --- A Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Compromise of the Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Effects of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate in Aqueous Solution J. Gao , W. Ge , G.H. Hu , J.H. Li Langmuir 21(11): 5223-5229 10.1021/la047121n
20 Gas-solids flow patterns in a novel dual-loop FCC riser X.H. Wang , S.Q. Gao , Y.H. Xu , J.S. Zhang Powder Technology 152: 90-99 10.1016/j.powtec.2005.01.004
21 Glutamic Acid-mediated Synthesis of Ultralong Hydroxyapatite Nanoribbons Under Hydrothermal Conditions H. Zhang , Q. Zhu Chemistry Letter 34(6): 788-790 10.1246/cl.2005.788
22 Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a novel 2-D polymeric manganese complex with mixed ligands Y.W. Yao , H.X. Lin , X.D. Sun , H.Z. Kou , Q. Cai , H.D. Li , R.B. Yu , D. Wang Transition Metal Chemistry 30 (3): 294-298 10.1007/s11243-004-4578-6
23 Improvement of the quality of silica colloidal crystals by controlling drying Q.Y. Li , Y.F. Chen , P. Dong Materials Letters 59 (27): 3521-3524 10.1016/j.matlet.2004.09.066
24 Improving Subcritical Crack Growth Resistance for Alumina Glass Dental Composite Q. Zhu , G. de With Key Eng. Mater. 280-283: 1623-1628  
25 Influence of surfactants on properties of gibbsite particles from carbonization of sodium aluminate liquors Z. Wang , S.W. Bi , Y.H. Yang , Z.F. Yuan Light Metals 105-109  
26 Low temperature processing of dense nanocrystalline scandia-doped zirconia (ScSZ) ceramics Z. Lei , Q. Zhu Solid State Ionics 176: 2791-2797 10.1016/j.ssi.2005.09.005
27 Low temperature sintering of 8YSZ electrolyte film for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells Q. Zhu , B. Fan Solid State Ionics 176: 889-894 10.1016/j.ssi.2004.12.010
28 Mechanochemical-hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of fluoridated hydroxyapatite H. Zhang , Q. Zhu , Z.H. Xie Materials Research Bulletin 40: 1326-1334 10.1016/j.materresbull.2005.04.005
29 Microscopical study of carbon/carbon composites obtained by chemical vapour infiltration of 0˚/0˚/90˚/90˚carbon fiber performs T.F. Chen , B. Reznik , D. Gerthsen , W.G. Zhang , K.Hüttinger Carbon 43: 3088-3098 10.1016/j.carbon.2005.06.035
30 Morphologically Controlled Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite with Partial Substitution of Fluoride H. Zhang , Q. Zhu , Y. Wang Chemistry of Materials 17: 5824-5830 10.1021/cm051357a
31 Multi-Scale Compromise and Multi-Level Correlation in Complex Systems J. Li , W. Ge , J. Zhang , M. Kwauk Chemical Engineering Research and Design 83(A6) : 574-582 10.1205/cherd.05093
32 Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Model for Gas-Solid Two-Phase Flow L.N. Wang , N. Yang , J.H. Li Chemical Engineering Communications 192(10-12): 1636 -1654 10.1080/009864490896223
33 Near net-shape fabrication of alumina glass composites Q. Zhu , G. de With , L.J.M.G. Dortmans , F. Feenstra Journal of the European Ceramic Society 25: 633-638 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2004.03.029
34 Parallel implementation of macro-scale pseudo-particle simulation for particle-fluid systems X.W. Wang , L. Guo , W. Ge , D.X. Tang , J.S. Ma , Z. Y. Yang , J.H. Li Computers & Chemical Engineering 29: 1543-1553 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2004.12.006
35 Photocatalytic characterization of silica coated titania nanoparticles with tunable coatings Q.Y. Li , Y.F. Chen , D.D. Zeng , W.M. Gao , Z.J. Wu Journal of nanoparticle research 7(2-3): 295-299 10.1007/s11051-004-5944-1
36 Preparation of Humidity Control Ceramics from Selectively Leached Kaolin S.F. Du , Y.F. Chen , Y. Liang Key Engineering Materals 280-283: 333-336  
37 Process Engineering Research in China : A Multiscale, Market-Driven Approach K. M. Ng , J.H. Li , M. Kwauk AIChE Journal 51 (10): 2620-2627 10.1002/aic.10658
38 Simulation of heterogeneous structures and analysis of energy consumption in particle-fluid systems with pseudo-particle modeling J.Y. Zhang , W.Ge , J.H. Li Chemical Engineering Science 60 (11): 3091-3099 10.1016/j.ces.2004.11.057
39 Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of CdS nanowires/PVA composite films J.X. Yao , G.L. Zhao , D. Wang , G.R. Han Materials Letters 59(28): 3652-3655 10.1016/j.matlet.2005.07.005
40 Study on utilizing zinc and lead-bearing metallurgical dust as sulfur absorbent during briquette combustion S.F. Feng , R.F. Zhao , K. Kitagawa , K.L. Wang , Z.C. Guo , Y.S. Xie Energy 30:2251-2260 10.1016/j.energy.2004.07.021
41 Surfactant-assisted preparation of fluoride-substituted hydroxyapatite nanorods H. Zhang , Q. Zhu Materials Letters 59: 3054-3058 10.1016/j.matlet.2005.05.019
42 The application of AI(OH)3 seed in carbonization of sodium aluminate liquors Z. Wang , S.W. Bi , Y.H. Yang , Z.F. Yuan Light Metals 223-227  
43 The preparation of nano-crystallized cristobalite under hydrothermal conditions Y. Zhu , K.Yanagisawa , A. Onda , K. Kajiyoshi Journal of Materials Science 40:3829-3831 10.1007/s10853-005-2551-1
44 Two-phase structure in a high-density downer H.Z. Chen , H.Z. Li , M. Kwauk Power Technology 158: 115-123 10.1016/j.powtec.2005.04.023
45 VOC Adsorption in Circulating Gas Fluidized Bed W.L. Song , D. Tondeur , L.G. Luo , J.H. Li Adsorption 11(1): 853-858(6) 10.1007/s10450-005-6035-z