


序号 论文名称 作者 期刊名称 卷、期、页 DOI
1 A Multiscale Mass Transfer Model for Gas-Solid Riser Flows: Part I-Sub-Grid Model and Simple Tests W.G. Dong, W. Wang, J.H. Li Chemical Engineering Science 63(10):2798-2810 10.1016/j.ces.2008.01.038
2 A Multiscale Mass Transfer Model for Gas-Solid Riser Flows: Part II-Sub-Gridsimulation of Ozone Decomposition W.G. Dong, W. Wang, J.H. Li Chemical Engineering Science 63(10):2811-2823 10.1016/j.ces.2008.01.039
3 Adsorption of Soluble Metal Lon From Red Mud by Modified Activated Carbon H.L. Zhou, D.Y. Li, G.Z. Gong, Y.J. Tian, Y.F. Chen Key Engineering Materials 368-372:1541-1544  
4 Characterization of Blast Furnace Slag-Ca(OH) 2 Sorbents for Flue Gas Desulfurization G.Z. Gong, S.F. Ye, Y.J. Tian, Y.B. Cui, Y.F. Chen. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 47(20):7897-7902 10.1021/ie800873b
5 CH4-CO2 Reforming Over Ni/Al2O3 Aerogel Catalysts in a Fluidized Bed Reactor Z.G. Hao, Q.S. Zhu, H.Z. Li Powder Technology 182:474-479 10.1016/j.powtec.2007.05.024
6 Catalytic Gasification of Char from Co-pyrolysis of Coal and Biomass W. K. Zhu, W. L. Song, W.G. Lin Fuel Processing Technology 89(9):890-896 10.1016/j.fuproc.2008.03.001
7 Removal of Cd 2+ from Aqueous Solutions by Hydroxyapatite R. Zhu, R. Yu, J. Yao, D. Mao, C. Xing, D. Wang Catalysis Today 139:94–99 10.1016/j.cattod.2008.08.011
8 Deposition of ZnO on the Surface of Al Metal Particles by Esterification Reaction Under Solvothermal Conditions F.L.Yuan, P. Hu, L.J. Yu, S.H. Li, J.J. Ke Journal of Materials Science 43:2397-2401 10.1007/s10853-007-1804-6
9 Extraction of Scandium from Red Mud by Modified Activated Carbon and Kinetics Study H.L. Zhou, D.Y. Li, Y.J. Tian, Y.F. Chen Rare Metals 27(3):223-227 10.1016/S1001-0521(08)60119-9
10 Effect of the Coal Particle Size on Pyrolysis and Char Reactivity for Two Types of Coal and Demineralized Coal W.K. Zhu, W. L. Song, W.G. Lin Energy & Fuels 22 (4):2482-2487 10.1021/ef800143h
11 Evaluation of Downer Reactor Performance by Catalytic Ozone Decomposition C.G. Fan, Y. Zhang, X.T. Bi, W.L. Song, W.G. Lin, L. Luo Chemical Engineering Journal 140(1-3):539-554 10.1016/j.cej.2007.11.040
12 Enhanced Conversion of Cellulosic Process Residue into Middle Caloric Fuel Gas with Ca Impregnation in Fuel Drying G.W. Xu, T. Murakami, T.Suda, Y. Matsuzawa, H.Tani, Y. Mito Energy & Fuels 22(5):3471-3478 10.1021/ef800073w
13 Environmental Impact Assessment of Chemical Process Using the Green Degree Method X. Zhang, C. Li, C. Fu, S. Zhang Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 47:1085-1094 10.1021/ie0705599
14 Flow Distribution in U-Type Layers or Stacks of Planar Fuel Cells W.L. Huang, Q.S. Zhu Journal of Power Sources 178:353-362 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2007.12.003
15 Fluidization Characteristics of Aerogel Co/Al2O3 Catalyst in a Magnetic Fluidized Bed and its Application to CH4-CO2 Reforming Z.G. Hao, Q.S. Zhu, Z. Jiang, H.Z. Li Powder Technology 183:46-52 10.1016/j.powtec.2007.11.015
16 Granular Flow in a Rotating Drum with Gaps in the Side Wall X.X. Liu, W. Ge, Y.L. Xiao, J.H. Li Powder Technology 182:241-249 10.1016/j.powtec.2007.06.029
17 Gatalytic Gasification of Char from Co-pyrolysis of Coal and Biomass W.K. Zhu, W.L. Song, W.G. Lin Fuel Processing Technology 89:890-896 10.1016/j.fuproc.2008.03.001
18 Hydrodynamic and Mathematical Simulations of Flow Field and Temperature Profile in an Asymmetrical T-type Single-Strand Continuous Casting Tundish S.X. Liu, X.M. Yang, L. Du, L. LI, C.Z. Liu ISIJ International 48(12):1712-1721  
19 Highly Efficient Epoxidation of Propylene to Propylene Oxide Over Ts-1 Using Urea Plus Hydrogen Peroxide as Oxidizing Agent W. Cheng, X. Wang, G. Li, X. Guo, S. Zhang Journal of Catalysis 255 (2):343-346 10.1016/j.jcat.2008.02.018
20 Hydrogen Production from a Fluidized-Bed Coal Gasifier with in Situ Fixation of CO2 Part I: Numerical Model J. Lu, L.Yu, X. Zhang, S. Zhang , W. Dai Chemical Engineering &Technology 31(2):197-207 10.1002/ceat.200700380
21 Hydroxyl-Functionalized Ionic Liquid: a Novel Efficient Catalyst for Chemical Fixation of CO2 to Cyclic Carbonate J. Sun, S. Zhang, W. Cheng, J. Ren Tetrahedron Letters 49(22):3588-3591 10.1016/j.tetlet.2008.04.022
22 More Opportunities than Challenges Perspectives on Chemical Engineering W. Ge, W. Wang, Y. Ren, J.H. Li Current Science 95(9):1310-1316  
23 Mass Transfer and Reaction Performance of the Downer and Its Hydrodynamic Explanation C.G. Fan, X.T. Bi, W.G. Lin, W.L. Song Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 86(3):436-447 10.1002/cjce.20066
24 Mesoporous Indium Oxide Synthesized Via a Nanocasting Route X. Lai, H. Wang, D. Mao, N. Yang, J. Yao, C. Xing, D. Wang, X.T. Li Materials Letters 62:3868-3871 10.1016/j.matlet.2008.05.007
25 Morphology Control of Hydroxyapatite Through Hydrothermal Process R. Zhu, R. Yu, J. Yao, D. Wang, J.J. Ke Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457:555-559 10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.03.081
26 Multiscale CFD Simulation of Operating Diagram for Gas–Solid Risers W. Wang, B.N. Lu, W.G. Dong, J.H. Li The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 86:448-457 10.1002/cjce.20067
27 Micro Fluidized Beds: Wall Effect and Operability X.H. Liu, G.W. Xu, S.Q. Gao Chemical Engineering Journal 137:302-307 10.1016/j.cej.2007.04.035
28 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Acyclic Guanidinium-based Ionic Liquids X. Liu, G. Zhou, S. Zhang Fluid Phase Equilibria 272(1-2):1-7 10.1016/j.fluid.2008.07.014
29 Numerical Study on Gas-Liquid Nano-Flows with Pseudo-Particle Modeling and Soft-Particle Molecular Dynamics Simulation F.G. Chen, W. Ge, L.M. Wang, J.H. Li Microfluidics and Nanofludics 5(5):639-654 10.1007/s10404-008-0280-x
30 Optimization of Synthesis Condition for Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Vapor Deposition on Fe-Ni-Mo/MgO Catalyst Y.B. Cui, X.F. Wu, H. Wu , Y.J. Tian, Y.F. Chen Materials Letters 62 :3878-3880 10.1016/j.matlet.2008.05.011
31 Preface to the Complex Materials Special Issue G. Lian, V.M. Naik, J. Li Ind. Eng. Chem. Res 47(17):6345-6346 10.1021/ie801055n
32 Preparation and Characterization of CPC Interclating α-Zrp as Vocs Adsorbent D.H. Zhang, Z.Q. Li, Y.F. Chen Key Engineering Materials 368-372:1523-1525  
33 Preparation and Characterization of Desulfurization Sorbent from Hydrated Lime and Blast Furnace Slag G.Z. Gong, S.F. Ye, F. Li, Y.B. Cui, Y.J. Tian Key Engineering Materials 368-372:1548-1551  
34 Preparation of Well Dispersed Spherical Nickel Powders with Uniform Size Via Mild Solvothermal Route L.Y. Bai, F.L. Yuan, Q. Tang, J.L. Li, H. Ryu Journal of Materials Science 43:1769-1775 10.1007/s10853-007-2408-x
35 Preparation and Formation Mechanism of Mesoporous CuO-CeO2 Mixed Oxides with Excellent Catalytic Performance for Removal of Vocs C.Q. Hu, Q.S. Zhu, Z. Jiang, Y. Wang, Y.Y. Zhang Microporous & Mesoporous Materials 113:427-434 10.1016/j.micromeso.2007.11.043
36 Quantum Chemical Study on Influence of Substituents and Solvents in Reaction Complexing Ethylene with Nickel Dithiolene Q.Z. Han, Y.H. Zhao, H. Wen Molecular Simulation 34(6):631-636 10.1080/08927020802036021
37 Removal of Cd 2+ From Aqueous Solution with Carbon Modified Aluminum-Pillared Montmorillonite R. Yu, S. Wang, J. Ke, X. Xing, D. Wang, N. Kumada, N. Kinomura Catalysis Today 139:135-139 10.1016/j.cattod.2008.08.015
38 Synthesis of Low Agglomerating Spherical α-Fe2O3 Nanopowders Q. Wang, Y.F. Chen, M. Yang, X.F. Wu, Y.J. Tian Key Engineering Materials 368-372:1568-1569  
39 Sliding Wear Behavior of the Supersonic Plasma Sprayed WC-Co Coating in Oil Containing Sand L.Z. Du, B.S. Xu, S.Y. Dong, W.G. Zhang, J.M. Zhang, H. Yang, H.J. Wang Surface & Coatings Technology 202:3709-3714 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2008.01.009
40 Simple and Safe Synthesis of Microporous Aluminophosphate Molecular Sieves by Ionothermal Approach L. Han, Y. Wang, C. Li, S. Zhang , X.. Lv, M. Cao AIChE Journal 54(1):280-288 10.1002/aic.11363
41 Synthesis of Nickel Nanoparticles with Uniform Size Via a Modified Hydrazine Reduction Route L.Y. Bai, F.L. Yuan, Q. Tang Materials Letters 62:2267-2270 10.1016/j.matlet.2007.11.061
42 Stress Field and Failure Probability Analysis for the Single Cell of Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells T. Zhang, Q.S. Zhu, W.L. Huang, Z.H. Xie, X.S. Xin Journal of Power Sources 182:540-545 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2008.04.027
43 Self-Assembled Growth of Hollow Spheres with Octahedron-like Co Nanocrystals Via One-Pot Solution Fabrication X. Wang, F.L. Yuan, P. Hu, L.J. Yu, L.Y. Bai J. Phys. Chem. C 112:8773-8778 10.1021/jp0775404
44 Tri-Metallic Catalyst for Mass Production of Quasi-Aligned Carbon Nanotubes by Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition Y.B. Cui, S.L. Zhan, X. F. Wu, G.Z. Gong, Y.J. Tian, Y.F. Chen Key Engineering Materials 368-372:1507-1509  
45 Titanium Metallization of Alumina Ceramics by Molten Salt Reaction J.Q. Li, W. Pan, Z.F. Yuan, Y.F. Chen Applied Surface Science 254:4584–4590 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.01.077
46 Two Fluid Model Using Kinetic Theory for Modeling of One-step Hydrogen production Gasifier L. Yu, J. Lv, X. Zhang, S. Zhang, X. Wang AIChE J. 54(11):2833-2851 10.1002/aic.11603