


序号 论文名称 作者 期刊名称 卷、期、页 DOI
1 A Discrete Particle Model for Particle-Fluid Flow with Considerations of Sub-Grid Structures M. Xu, W. Ge, J.H. Li Chemical Engineering Science 62(8):2302-2308 10.1016/j.ces.2006.12.008
2 A Force Field for Molecular Simulation of Tetrabutylphosphonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids G. Zhou, X. Liu, S. Zhang, G. Yu, H. He The Journal Physical Chemistry B 111:7078-7084 10.1021/jp068365e
3 Analytical Multi-Scale Method for Multi-Phase Complex Systems in Process Engineering―Bridging Reductionism and Holism W. Ge, F.G. Chen, J. Gao, S.Q. Gao, J. Huang, X.X. Liu, Y. Ren, Q.C. Sun, L.M. Wang, W. Wang, J.H. Li Chemical Engineering Science 62(13):3346-3377 10.1016/j.ces.2007.02.049
4 A Theoretical Bubble Breakup Model for Slurry Beds or Three-Phase Fluidized Beds under High Pressure H. Zhao, W. Ge Chemical Engineering Science 62:109-115 10.1016/j.ces.2006.08.008
5 Catalytic Effects of Metal Chlorides on the Pyrolysis of Lignite X.W. Zou, J.Z. Yao, X.M. Yang, W.L. Song, W.G. Lin Energy & Fuels 21(2):619-624 10.1021/ef060477h
6 Deagglomeration Treatment in the Synthesis of Doped-Ceria Nanoparticles via Coprecipitation Route S.Y. YAO , Z.H. Xie Journal of Materials Processing Technology 186:54-59 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2006.12.006
7 Effect of Metal Ion Dopants on Photochemical Properties of Anatase TiO2 Film Synthesized by a Modified Sol-Gel Method Z.F. Yuan, J.L. Zhang, B. Li, J.Q. Li Thin Solid Films 515(18):7091-7095 10.1016/j.tsf.2007.02.101
8 Effects of Acidic Amino Acids on Hydroxyapatite Morphology W.M. Gao, X.C. Ruan, Y.F. Chen Key Engineering Materials 336-338:2096-2099  
9 Effects of Nanosized Iron Oxide with Different Morphology on Nanomechanical Properties of Nanocomposite Coating Q. Wang, M.Yang, Y.F.Chen Key Engineering Materials 336-338:2218-2220  
10 Estimation of Solvent Effects for the Complexing Reaction of Propylene and Nickel Dithiolene Q.Z. Han, Y.H. Zhao, H. Wen Data Science Journal 6(Suppl.): S837-S846  
11 Experiment and Grey Relational Analysis of CWS Spheres Combustion in a Fluidized Bed H. Wang, X.M. Jiang, J.G. Liu, W.G. Lin Energy & Fuels 21(4):1924-1930 10.1021/ef070042+
12 Experimental Study of NO Reduction over Biomass Char L. Dong, S.Q. Gao, W.L. Song, G. W. Xu Fuel Processing Technology 88(7):707-715 10.1016/j.fuproc.2007.02.005
13 Explorations on the Multi-Scale Flow Structure and Stability Condition in Bubble Columns N. Yang, J.H. Chen, H. Zhao, W. Ge, J.H. Li Chemical Engineering Science 62(24):6978-6991 10.1016/j.ces.2007.08.034
14 Fabrication of Dense YSZ Electrolyte Membranes by a Modified Dry-Pressing Using Nanocrystalline Powders X.S. Xin, Z. Lü, Q.S. Zhu, X.Q. Huang, W.H. Su Journal of Material Chemistry 17:1627-1630 10.1039/b615548k
15 Focused Crawling for Retrieving Chemical Information Z.J. Xia, L.Guo, C.Y. Liang, X.X. Li, Z.Y. Yang Innovations in Hybrid Intelligent Systems 44:433-438  
16 Influence of the Gas and Particle Residence Time on Fast Pyrolysis of Lignite L.J. Cui, W.L. Song, J.Y. Zhang, J.Z. Yao, W.G. Lin Journal of Energy Resources Technology 129:152-158 10.1115/1.2719208
17 Low-Cost Synthesis of Hollow Cu2O Octahedra with more than One Shell H. G. Zhang, Q.S. Zhu, Y.Wang, C. Y. Zhang, L.Tao Materials Letters 61(23-24):4508-4511 10.1016/j.matlet.2007.02.038
18 Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Dissociation Process of Methane Hydrates L.Y. Ding, C.Y. Geng, Y.H. Zhao, H. Wen Molecular Simulation 33(12):1011-1022 10.1080/08927020701528524
19 Molecular Simulation of Guanidinium-Based Ionic Liquids X. Liu, G. Zhou, S. Zhang, G. Wu, G. Yu The Journal Physical Chemistry B 111(20):5658-5668 10.1021/jp068849a
20 Nano-Fluidization under High Gravity―A Perspective View from Simulation C.F. Hou, W. Ge Chemical Engineering Science 62:6794-6805 10.1016/j.ces.2007.07.063
21 One-Pot Synthesis and Hierarchical Assembly of Hollow Cu2O Microspheres with Nanocrystals-Composed Porous Multishell and their Gas-Sensing Properties H.G. Zhang, Q.S. Zhu, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Zhao, B. Yu Advanced Functional Materials 17:2766-2771 10.1002/adfm.200601146
22 Phase Transformation and Low Temperature Sintering of Manganese Oxide and Scandia Co-Doped Zirconia Z. Lei, Q.S. Zhu Materials Letters 61(6):1311-1314 10.1016/j.matlet.2006.07.020
23 Preface J.H. Li, W. Ge Chemical Engineering Science 62(13):3285-3286 10.1016/j.ces.2007.04.003
24 Preparation and Characterization of Gallium-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanopowders with High Electrical Conductivity S.F. Du, J. Liu, Y.F. Chen Key Engineering Materials 336-338:2041-2043  
25 Preparation and Characterization of ZnO Hollow Spheres and ZnO-Carbon Composite Materials Using Colloidal Carbon Spheres as Templates X. Wang, P. Hu, F.L. Yuan, L.J. Yu The Journal Physical Chemistry C 111:6706-6712 10.1021/jp070382w
26 Preparation of Plank-Like BaTiO3 by Hydrothermal Soft Chemical Process from Layered Titanates Precursors L. Zhou, R. Yu, K. Zhu, J. Yao, X. Xing, D. Wang, W. Xu Key Engineering Materials 336-338:66-68  
27 Preparation of Porous Hydroxyapatite with Interconnected Pore Architecture H.G. Zhang, Q.S. Zhu Journal of Materials Science Materials in Medicine 18:1825-1829 10.1007/s10856-007-3036-3
28 Preparing Mesoporous Sillica Doped with Iron via a Novel Method H.D. Liu, Y.F.Chen Solid State Phenomena 121-123:1313-1316  
29 Raspberry-Like Silica Hollow Spheres: Hierarchical Structures by Dual Latex-Surfactant Templating Route X.F. Wu, Y.J. Tian, Y.B. Cui, L.Q. Wei, Q. Wang, Y.F. Chen Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111(27):9704-9708 10.1021/jp070811q
30 Selected-Control Synthesis of Hierarchical Nickel Structures Y. Wang, Q.S. Zhu, H.G. Zhang Materials Research Bulletin 42:1450-1456 10.1016/j.materresbull.2006.11.011
31 Size and Morphology Control in the Synthesis of SBA-15 H. Xie, R. Yu, D. Wang, J. Yao, X. Xing, W. Xu Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 165:603-606  
32 Structure, Interaction and Property of Amino-Functionalized Imidazolium ILs by Molecular Dynamics Simulation and ab Initio Calculation G. Yu, S. Zhang, G. Zhou, X. Liu AIChE Journal 53(12):3210-3221 10.1002/aic.11339
33 Sulfur Distribution in Coke and Sulfur Removal during Pyrolysis Z.C. Guo, Z.X. Fu, S.X. Wang Fuel Processing Technology 88:935-941 10.1016/j.fuproc.2007.05.003
34 Swelling and Shrinkage Behavior of the Raw and Processed Coals during Pyrolysis Z.X. Fu, Z.C. Guo, Z.F. Yuan, Z. Wang Fuel 86:418-425 10.1016/j.fuel.2006.07.017
35 Synthesis and Property of Three Novel Organically Templated Layered Cerium Materials D. Wang, R. Yu, H. Wang, X. Li, X. Xing Microporous & Mesoporous Materials 101:66-72 10.1016/j.micromeso.2006.11.025
36 Synthesis of Porous TiO2 Monolith by Organic Membrane Template J. Yao, D. Wang Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 165:283-286 10.1016/S0167-2991(07)80318-1
37 Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Hollow Octahedral NiO X.Wang, L.J. Yu, P. Hu, F.L.Yuan Crystal Growth and Design 7:2415-2418 10.1021/cg060957z
38 Ultra Stable Sealing Glass for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Q.S. Zhu, L. Peng, W.L. Huang, Z.H. Xie Key Engineering Materials 336(338):481-485