


No. 论文名称 作者 期刊名称 卷、期、页 DOI
1 A Thermodynamic Model for Calculating Sulphur Distribution Ratio between CaO-SiO2-MgO -Al2O3 Ironmaking Slags and Carbon Saturated Hot Metal Based on the Ion and Molecule Coexistence Theory X.M. Yang, J.S. Jiao, R.C. Ding, C.B. Shi, H.J. Guo ISIJ International 49(12):1828-1837  
2 Buildup of High Solids Flux Conveying Flow by Coupling a Moving Bed to the Riser Bottom X.H. Liu, X. Cui, G. Sun, T. Suda, M. Narukawa, Y.Y. Liu, G.G. Sun, G.W. Xu AIChE Journal 55:2477-2481 10.1002/aic.11861
3 Catalytic Combustion of Dilute Acetone over Cu-Doped Ceria Catalysts C.Q. Hu, Q.S. Zhu, Z. Jiang, L. Chen, R.F. Wu Chemical Engineering Journal 152:583-590 10.1016/j.cej.2009.05.033
4 Characterization of Aerogel Ni/Al2O3 Catalysts and Investigation on Their Stability for CH4-CO2 Reforming in a Fluidized Bed Z.G. Hao, Q.S. Zhu, Z. Jiang, B.L. Hou, H.Z. Li Fuel Processing Technology 90(1):113-121 10.1016/j.fuproc.2008.08.004
5 Chemical Vapor Deposition of SiC at Different Molar Ratios of Hydrogen to Methyltrichlorosilane Y. Yang, W.G. Zhang Journal of Central South University of Technology 16:730-737 10.1007/s11771-009-0121-4
6 Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Regime Transition in Bubble Columns Incorporating the Dual-Bubble-Size Model J.H. Chen, N. Yang, W. Ge, J.H. Li Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48(17):8172-8179 10.1021/ie801644d
7 Controlled Synthesis of Terbium Orthophosphate Spindle-Like Hierarchical Nanostructures with Improved Photoluminescence J.R. Bao, R.B. Yu, J.Y. Zhang, X.D. Yang, D. Wang, J.X. Deng, J. Chen, X.R. Xing European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 16:2388-2392 10.1002/ejic.200900060
8 CuO-CeO2 Binary Oxide Nanoplates:Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Performance for Benzene Oxidation C.Q. Hu, Q.S. Zhu, L. Chen, R. F. Wu Materials Research Bulletin 44(12):2174-2180 10.1016/j.materresbull.2009.08.016
9 Degradation of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Using Ionic Liquids H. Wang, Z.X. Li, Y.Q. Liu, X.P. Zhang, S.J. Zhang Green Chemistry 11(10):1568-1575 10.1039/b906831g
10 DFT Calculations on the Electronic Structures of BiOX (X = F, Cl, Br, I) Photocatalysts with and Without Semicore Bi 5d States W.L. Huang, Q.S. Zhu Journal of Computational Chemistry 30:183-190 10.1002/jcc.21055
11 Direct Hydrothermal Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Hematite Nanorods Assisted by 1,2-Propanediamine Z.M. Li, X.Y. Lai, H. Wang, D. Mao, C.J. Xing, D. Wang Nanotechnology 20(24):245603 10.1088/0957-4484/20/24/245603
12 Direct Numerical Simulation of Particle Clustering in Gas-Solid Flow with Macro-Scale Particle Method J.S. Ma, W. Ge, Q.G. Xiong, J.W. Wang, J.H. Li Chemical Engineering Science 64(1):43-51 10.1016/j.ces.2008.09.005
13 Effects of Ammonium Citrate Additive on Crystal Morphology of Aluminum Phosphate Ammonium Taranakite L.Q. Wei, S.F. Ye,Y.J. Tian,Y.S. Xie,Y.F. Chen Journal of Crystal Growth 311:3359-3363 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2009.04.017
14 Effects of Solid Lubricant Content on the Microstructure and Properties of Nicr/Cr 3C2–BaF2·CaF2 Composite Coatings C.B. Huang, L.Z. Du, W.G. Zhang Journal of Alloys and Compounds 479:777-784 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.01.062
15 Effects of the Reforming Reagents and Fuel Species on Tar Reforming Reaction Y. Wang, T. Namioka, K. Yoshikawa Bioresource Technology 100:6610-6614 10.1016/j.biortech.2009.07.026
16 Electronic Structures and Optical Properties of BiOX (X = F, Cl, Br, I) via DFT Calculations W.L. Huang Journal of Computational Chemistry 30 (12):1882-1891 10.1002/jcc.21191
17 Exergy Analysis of the Process for Dimethyl Ether Production through Biomass Steam Gasification X.P. Zhang, C. Solli, E.G. Hertwich, X. Tian, S.J. Zhang Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48:10976-10985 10.1021/ie900199e
18 Experimental Study of Combustion Characteristics of Bituminous Char Derived at Mild Pyrolysis Conditions C.M. Shen, W.G. Lin, S.H. Wu, W.L. Song, X.B. Tong Energy & Fuels 23(11):5322-5330 10.1021/ef900306w
19 Fabrication of Monodisperse Magnetite Hollow Spheres P. Hu, L.J. Yu, A.H. Zuo, C.Y. Guo, F.L. Yuan The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113:900-906 10.1021/jp806406c
20 First-Principles Calculations on the Energetics, Electronic Structures and Magnetism of SrFeO2 W.L. Huang Journal of Computational Chemistry 30 (16):2684-2693 10.1002/jcc.21283
21 General Synthesis of Homogeneous Hollow Core-Shell Ferrite Microspheres Z.M. Li, X.Y. Lai, H. Wang, D. Mao, C.J. Xing, D. Wang The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (7):2792-2797 10.1021/jp8094787
22 Improving Humidity Selectivity in Formaldehyde Gas Sensing by a Two-Sensor Array Made of Ga-Doped ZnO N. Han, Y.J. Tian, X.F. Wu , Y.F. Chen Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical 138:228-235 10.1016/j.snb.2009.01.054
23 Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Synthesis and Structure Control of Nano-Sized CePO4 J.R. Bao, R.B. Yu, J. Zhang, X.D. Yang, D. Wang, J.X. Deng, J. Chen, X.R. Xing CrystEngComm 11:1630-1634 10.1039/b901313j
24 Low-Temperature Sintering Behaviors of Nanosized Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 Powder Synthesized by Co-Precipitation Combined with Supercritical Drying J.P. Liang, Q.S. Zhu, Z.H. Xie, W.L. Huang, C.Q. Hu Journal of Power Sources 194:640-645 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.06.058
25 Modeling of Cracking of the Glass-Based Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell T. Zhang, Q.S. Zhu, Z.H. Xie Journal of Power Sources 188:177-183 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2008.11.053
26 Modeling of Regime Transition in Bubble Columns with Stability Condition J.H. Chen, N. Yang, W. Ge, J.H. Li Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48(1):290-301 10.1021/ie8003623
27 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Dual Amino-Functionalized Imidazolium-Based
Ionic Liquids
X.M. Liu, G.H. Zhou, S.J. Zhang, X.Q. Yao Fluid Phase Equilibria 284:44-49 10.1016/j.fluid.2009.06.004
28 Molecular Simulation of the Potential of Methane Reoccupation During the Replacement of Methane Hydrate by CO2 C.Y. Geng, H. Wen, H. Zhou The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113(18):5463-5469 10.1021/jp811474m
29 Morphology Manipulation of α-Fe2O3 in the Mixed Solvent System R.B. Yu, Z.M. Li, D. Wang, X.Y. Lai, C.J. Xing, X.R. Xing Solid State Science 11:2056-2059 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2009.09.009
30 Nanosized CuO-ZrxCe1-xOy Aerogel Catalysts Prepared by Ethanol Supercritical Drying for Catalytic Deep Oxidation of Benzene C.Q. Hu, Q.S. Zhu, Z. Jiang Powder Technology 194:109-114 10.1016/j.powtec.2009.03.035
31 NiO Thin Film Fabricated by Electrophoretic Deposition and Formaldehyde Gas Sensing Property Thereof N. Han, Y.J. Tian, L.Q. Wei, C. Wang, Y.F. Chen Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9(2):1346-1349 10.1166/jnn.2009.C153
32 NO Reduction in Decoupling Combustion of Biomass and Biomass-Coal Blend L. Dong, S.Q. Gao, W.L. Song, J.H. Li, G.W. Xu Energy & Fuels 23(1):224-228 10.1021/ef800589c
33 One-Pot Solution Synthesis of Cubic Cobalt Nanoskelectons X. Wang, H.B. Fu, A.D. Peng, Y. Ma, F.L. Yuan, J.N. Yao Advanced Materials 21(16):1636-1640 10.1002/adma.200801309
34 Preparation and Characterization of Atmospheric Plasma-Sprayed Nicr/Cr3C2–BaF2·CaF2 Composite Coating C.B. Huang, L.Z. Du, W.G. Zhang Surface and Coatings Technology 203:3058-3065 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2009.03.027
35 Preparation of a New Sorbent with Hydrated Lime and Blast Furnace Slag for Phosphorus Removal from Aqueous Solution G.Z. Gong, S.F. Ye, Q. Wang , Y.J. Tian, J.D. Ni ,Y.F. Chen Journal of Hazardous Materials 166(2-3):714-719 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.11.077
36 Preparation of La2Ce2O7 Nano-Powders by Molten Salts Method X.Y. Wang, Y.P. Zhu, W.G. Zhang Advanced Materials Research 79-82:337-340 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.79-82.337
37 Regulation of Pore Size Distribution in Coal-Based Activated Carbon G.Z. Gong, Q. Xie, Y.F. Zheng, S.F. Ye, Y.F. Chen New Carbon Material 24(2):1-6 10.1016/S1872-5805(08)60043-8
38 Reusable and Efficient Polymer-Supported Task-Specific Ionic Liquid Catalyst for Cycloaddition of Epoxide with CO2 J. Sun, W.G. Cheng, W. Fan, Y.H. Wang, Z.M. Meng, S.J. Zhang Catalysis Today 148:361-367 10.1016/j.cattod.2009.07.070
39 RF Plasma Synthesis of Nickel Nanopowders via Hydrogen Reduction of Nickel Hydroxide/Carbonate L.Y. Bai, J.M. Fan, P. Hu, F.L. Yuan, J.L. Li, Q. Tang Journal of Alloys and Compounds 481(1-2):563-567 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.03.054
40 Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Ni Particles via Polyol Reduction L.Y. Bai, J.M. Fan, Y.B. Cao, F.L. Yuan, A.H. Zuo, Q. Tang Journal of Crystal Growth 311(8):2474-2479 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2009.02.009
41 Shape-Controlled Synthesis of ZnS Nanostructures:a Simple and Rapid Method for One-Dimensional Materials by Plasma P. Hu, L.Y. Bai, L.J. Yu, J.L. Li, F.L. Yuan, Y.F. Chen Nanoscale Research Letter 4:1047-1053 10.1007/s11671-009-9358-y
42 Structural and Electronic Properties of BiOX (X = F, Cl, Br, I) Considering Bi 5f States W.L. Huang, Q.S. Zhu Computational Materials Science 46 (4):1076-1084 10.1016/j.commatsci.2009.05.016
43 Structural Evidence for the Ordered Crystallites of Ionic Liquid in Confined Carbon Nanotubes K. Dong, G.H. Zhou, X.M. Liu, X.Q. Yao, S.J. Zhang The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (23):10013-10020 10.1021/jp900533k
44 Structures and Energetics of SrFeO2.875 Calculated within the GGA + U Framework W.L. Huang, Q.S. Zhu Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5(10):2787-2797 10.1021/ct900405j
45 Synthesis and Characterization of ZrO2 Hollow Spheres C.Y. Guo, P. Hu, L.J. Yu, F.L. Yuan Materials Letters 63:1013-1015 10.1016/j.matlet.2008.12.053
46 Synthesis of Tunable of 3D ZnO Architectures Assemblied with Nanoplates A.H. Zuo, P. Hu, L.Y. Bai, F.L. Yuan Crystal Research and Technology 44:613-618 10.1002/crat.200800609
47 Synthesis of Core-Shell Au@TiO2 Nanoparticles with Truncated Wedge-Shaped Morphology and Their Photocatalytic Properties X.F. Wu, H.Y. Song, Y.T. Yu, J.M. Yoon, Y.F. Chen Langmuir 25(11):6438-6447 10.1021/la900035a
48 Synthesis of Hematite Particles with Various Shapes by a Simple Hydrothermal Reaction Q. Dong, D. Wang, J.X. Yao, N. Kumada, N. Kinomura, T. Takei, Y. Yonesaki, Q. Cai The Ceramic Society of Japan 117(3):245-248 10.2109/jcersj2.117.245
49 Synthesis of Nanorod and Needle-Like Hydroxy Apatite Crystal and Role of pH Adjustment Y.J. Zhang, J.J. Lu, J.Q. Wang, S. R. Yang, Y.F. Chen Journal of Crystal Growth 311:4740-4746 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2009.09.018
50 Template-Free Synthesis of a Novel 3D Cage-Like Nanostructure α-Fe2O3 R.B. Yu, Z.M. Li, D. Wang, C.J. Xing, X.Y. Lai, X.R. Xing Chemical Research in Chinese University 25(6):963-965  
51 The Conversion of Acetol During the Concentration Process From Wood Vinegar Z. Wang, W.G. Lin, W.L. Song, J.Z. Yao International Journal of Global Warming 1(4):443-455  
52 Thermal Cycle Stability of BaO–B2O3–SiO2 Sealing Glass L. Peng, Q.S. Zhu Journal of Power Sources 194:880-885 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.06.018
53 Thermal Unfolding of a Double-Domain Protein:Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Rhodanese Y. Ren, J. Gao, W. Ge, J.H. Li Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48(19):8865-8871 10.1021/ie801441x
54 Virtual Experimentation of Beam Hardening Effect in X-Ray CT Measurement of Multiphase Flow F.Y. Meng, N. Zhang , W. Wang Powder Technology 194(1-2):153-157 10.1016/j.powtec.2009.03.033